Oh, the Places You'll Go

Travel  - /ˈtravəl/ verb -  to make a journey

When ones thinks of traveling they often think of exciting cities, plane rides to distance lands, and beautiful sights. One often thinks of the destination but traveling is about the journey. 

A journey can be taken by experiencing something new. The new coffee shop that just opened in your town, one exit up on the highway (or make it three), having a neighbor or family member show you where they grew up, or visiting your local lakes or hiking trails are all adventures and journeys you can take any given day. 

And while venturing off somewhere is always fun, never forget the journey you can take daily inside of your self. Getting to know yourself (your likes and dislikes, thought processes, feeling and emotions) is the most important and fulfilling journey you could ever take.

Travel within and do some self exploration. I challenge you to journey into your soul first before stepping out into the world. When you do, your soul leads you into the most interesting places and that's when the true traveling takes place. Where are your travels taking you?