5 Apps For College Success

  1. Prezi  - PowerPoint is a thing of the past. Don't bore your teachers or classmate anymore. Add music, videos, and walk through your topic like a journey.

    • There are plenty of templates to choose from so pick one, personalize it, and present.

    • It saves automatically so you don't have to worry about your computer crashing.

    • Everybody in your group can work on it at the same time from anywhere

    • Even if the projector down in class, you can present from your tablet or smartphone with the app

    • You can even set it to a timer so you 10 minute presentation hits the mark exactly

  2.  Google docs - We all know it saves and multiple people can work on it but here’s what you didn’t know.

    • Voice typing - For those of you who suck at putting your thoughts on paper. Just talk and organize it after or hit record and have your notes in your professor's own words.

    • Notes - Jessica added her 2 pages but are there loopholes in her theory? Highlight and add comments or questions to what she said. You can even use this tool to jot references.

    • Accountability - With the revision history tool you can see who added what real time so Kevin doesn’t get away with just adding his name to your paper… Sorry dude...

  3. TED - TED Talks save lives! And It will keep you motivated.

    • Learn about a topic in as little as 5 mins with quick lectures

    • Use as a research tool with innovative views for your next presentation or paper

    • Teachers love TED talks so you might win some brownie points as well.

  4. Amazon Kindle - If you buy your books on Amazon you can take them on the go.

    • Tons of free reads

    • Highlight main topics and points so you can study on the Shuttle/Bus (there’s a tab that only shows highlighted content)


    • Create Virtual Flashcards

    • Find study sheets

    • Stuck on a take home quiz - Search the question - Keep it to yourself

BONUS: Passion Planner - it breaks down your long term goals into bite size tasks. Ace the year and see how far you’ve come.