BNS End with a BANG! New Year's Eve

Bringing in the new year with the right people can get you in the right mindset for the year to come. Be Naturally Successful Brand Ambassadors and Community Partners gathered together to give our last hurrah to 2017 and you wouldn't believe the testimony that was given.

I was honored to model another BNS' Brand Ambassador's clothing line, and then the wine was passed around and the fun started. Porcha Henderson, Co-founder of CapoBellaInc, lead the Hot Topics and Roundtable Discussion, which got pretty intense. Then we were blessed with the empowerment speech of the year.

You all know that I'm big on paying attention to the signs that are presented to you. I felt a change in the room. Someone was inspired to take the leap and I was inspired to continue on. Every journey takes time and every year is another opportunity to grow, learn, and progress. 

After we caught the entrepreneurship holy ghost we had a slight turn up for the new year. I'm blessed to have this tribe to reach out to and grow with and I can't wait to see what 2018 will bring.