The Ramblings Of A Curious Mind


Sometimes I just wonder, ya know? I drift. I become curious. Each thought is an answer and that poses another question. And in the weirdest way, I like it. It makes me smirk and blush inwardly. I find the curiousness brings Beauty to the simplest things. And so I drift and my mind wanders and explores. I think about where things come from, how they’re made, how we experience the world differently perspectives, theories, facts, research, whatever. I’m just exploring. On this journey I learn about myself, others, and I’m navigating away. But It’s all happening at one time. While I’m lost in curiosity, I’m breathing. I’m feeling. I’m enjoying time with friends, building a business, driving, running errands, cooking (or finding ways to stuff my face). I am trying to figure out everyday life. How do I become more financially responsible? How do I know when to buy new tires for my car? Just information swooshing and zooming everywhere. Known information like… “It’s cold outside. Bundle up. Stay warm.” and new information like… sitting in someone’s living room for the first time. Analyzing the current present situations. Now, let’s add feelings into the equation. To do that I would have to introduce music. You see to me, music is a language. It has an alphabet of sorts. An energy with pits and peaks, waves and cliffs. Music is the catalyst for feelings…

And still journeying, taking note of things that work and that don’t, making plans for things you want to do, things you need to do. All the while, the randomness of each day thrown in there.

My curious mind makes me wander into a place of sonder. Attempting to understand the complex simplicities of the lives around you.

Elaya WalkerRandom Thoughts