Breaking Free - Deep Ellum or Bust

I had finally done it! After 6 months of careful planning, I had quit my 9-6 and I was not looking back. Now free to continue building my brand and able to help others during normal business hours, I got to work. I followed up with my current clients and got to know their business better, I designed my first CFC shirt and business cards, I went to every networking event I could find but something critical was missing... I was still planning trips and not going on them. On my drives to work at 7 am, as I weaved around Atlanta traffic, I had visualized that, instead of heading towards another 10-12 hours of shuffling shoes, I was on my way to the airport to discover more of the world and meet with clients. Yet, now that I was free, I still hadn't gone anywhere. Well, it was time to change that. After running the numbers to see what I could afford at the time and all of the trips I had wanted to take being out of the budget. I needed a new plan. Let's try finding an event that would be beyond worth it. I searched and behold what crossed my path. Guess who was touring and had a concert in two weeks... none other than the Queen herself, Erykah Badu. I. HAD. TO. GO. 

Erykah Badu Sauceism Birthday Bash
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I had never heard Deep Ellum before but if by a miracle the tickets weren't already sold out I had to grab one and I'd figure everything out later. And that's exactly what I did. Tickets. Flight. Airbnb. Rental. Done in that order. I had never traveled this way before but I didn't care. All I know is that I was going and that I wouldn't come back the same. As I packed my bag the night before I knew that I had to bring my favorite hat from KDMadeIt but it had to special, I was taking a trip that symbolized how I i had the power to Create the life that I wanted… So I called the one person I know who could make a unique piece for me just for this trip, KreativeCustomz, and overnight she pulled out a piece unlike anything else. (Little did I know that this hat would start conversations and create bonds to come)

AND WE'RE OFF! If you know me or if you watch my Scopes then you know that when My first solo trip and when I arrived in Dallas, Texas I was not prepared for what I was about to experience but I didn't care. What was the worst thing that could happen? I had broken free from my full-time job and it was time to celebrate you know I sure did a freedom dance in the bathroom of the plane. When I arrived at my Airbnb there was a giant canvas of zen in my room and it only confirmed that this was what I was supposed to be doing, having the freedom to enjoy my life as I see fit. I had taken another step forward to Creating My Freedom and as I christened the bed that night I knew this trip was going to change my life. 

I wasn't at all prepared for the weather. Thinking that Texas = Hot, I did not pack the appropriate clothing so, after a quick trip to the local Ross, I was off on my first mission in Dallas, Texas. FOOD! Can't tell you how I found it but I'm glad I did. Velvet Taco sounded promisingly different and it was. After I placed my order (#19 Bacon, egg frittata - crisp tots, chili butter, smoked cheddar, ranchero salsa, microgreens, corn tortilla for $3.75), the place started getting packed. It was popping and I soon found out why. The food was so good I considered ordering something else to go but after seeing the now packed line I thought it was best to move on and see what else Dallas had to offer.

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Off in search of adventure, I walked the Katy Trail, an old railroad line turned natural trail that's privately funded and supported by the local community. While here, I did a walking meditation, taking in the beauty that surrounded me and inspired by what can be created when a community comes together.  After a few hours of taking in the sights, catching up with an old elementary school friend, and a quick shower, what was on my mind? More food. This time on a more local scale so you know I had to hit up a Texas favorite, Whataburger and it wouldn't be right if I didn't dawn the fries. Now with a full stomach, I was off to Deep Ellum! Erykah Badu Sauceism Birthday Bash here I come!! Oh, yeah. I didn't tell you it was her birthday did I? Yes, I had gotten tickets to the show of all shows. Can you say JACKPOT!?!?!

Let me tell you the line at The Bomb Factory ran down the block, around the corner, and down a few more blocks. It was a Sold Out show. Everybody and their Momma were here to wish the Queen a happy birthday. 46 years on this planet and celebrating 20 years of Baduism the place was filled with high energy. With performances by Talib Kweli, Pete Rock, Leon Bridges, The Cannabinoids, Durand Bernarr, Zach Witness, Cure For Paranoia, Sam Lao, The Outfit, TX, Sandovall, DJ Sheka Booker, Bobby Sessions, Topic, and DJ Sober, it was a once in a lifetime concert. When Badu finally blessed the stage she started her set with one of my personal favorites “Hello,” and then warned that we would not be leaving the same way we came, that we would be neurologically recalibrated. After two hours of celebrating Life, Love, and Badu, fans showered her with born day gifts and one pregnant goddess even asked Ms. Cerebellum to be her "Badula." There were even surprise appearances from Dave Chappelle, Cedric the Entertainer, Scarface, and Jill Scott herself, I was momentarily at a loss for words and just filled with so much love.

Black Swan

After the concert, I took it upon myself to make some friends. We talked for a while but having our souls rejuvenated left us with an appetite so they took me around the corner to Buzzbrews where you know I had to chow down again. On the way, I admired the captivating street art of Deep Ellum. Who would have known that this almost abandoned-looking area would be filled with such Beauty? At Buzzbrews I settled for the Bluto, a chorizo-stuffed crepe (because it's hard to say no to chorizo) and we chatted some more but little did I know that I was speaking to the mystic Black Swan himself, Evan Bornes. Our conversation was so enlightening that it went on for hours and he extended the invitation to interview me for his podcast Black Swan. Honored and humbled, I accepted and I'll be posting the link here soon. (In the meantime check out The Black Swan Story, and listen to some of the stories from other Black Swans). [BlackSwanPodcast: Ep. 12]

Still in a natural high from the concert, I went for a walk around one of the parks that the Katy Trail ran through. The concert was paradigm-shifting and I was so Blessed to have been there. As I walked I listened to the Black Swan Podcasts and you wouldn't believe what I saw. A single Black Swan!!! I don't know about you but I listen when the universe places BLATANT signs in my face that I have the power to Create My Freedom and I had taken my first steps. I am an infinite being, capable of infinite success. Off in search of something to feed my body and Soul, I visited the Cosmic Cafe. Such a fitting place for how I was feeling. While waiting on my Celestial Light Offering of Herban Renewal (avocado, cream cheese, spinach, mushrooms, mozzarella & herbs on nan - $9.00) I studied the 10 OX paintings on the walls; the Ox representing Man's energy. I pour myself a cup of traditional tea and after my meal, I wandered upstairs to the free mediation rooms. I was so filled with peace and love that I fell asleep for about half an hour undisturbed. 

It was my last evening in Dallas, and afterward, Evan had even invited me to an art exhibit. It was truly a blessing to be able to be present at such an amazing experience and it wouldn't have been possible if I hadn't made the choice to Create My Freedom, to turn my passion into a paycheck, to use the power I have always had within me to seek out what Freedom means to me. And because I did so, I was rewarded with Love, Light, Blessings in the form of business opportunities, and Bliss. All of this, and it was only my first trip on this Journey of freedom... If you would like to learn how you can turn your passion into your Freedom sign up for a Freedom Strategy Session. Don't you wonder where your Freedom could lead you or what it could lead to you?