Does the traditional office/work environment drive you crazy?

My spread at a Starbucks in Louisiana

My spread at a Starbucks in Louisiana

Me too. Something about sterile environment and bland cubicles just makes me shut down. My creative mind goes from it's colorful hues to a blank canvas and I end up staring out into space adding things to do my list but getting Nada done. Well, I know there are many of us creatives out there that have so much to share and give but we need the right environment to let our creativity flow. Here's some places that may work for you and if you can think of some other or if you've found a good spot SHARE BELOW! Remember by sharing you are fostering community growth for all creatives. 

Let's start with Fast Food alternatives:

Although I'm not a fan of fast food (trying to watch what I eat), fast food restaurants are convenient (most are open 24/7 or late and open early), easy accessible, and normally aren't too crowded. 

McDonald's: Good Wifi, I hate the food so I'm never tempted to munch, just find a quiet corner away from the playplace. I only go here when I'm in a pinch on the road.

Subway: Was my safe haven back in college. It's almost always  quiet. Not many people crowd here and the deal of the day it's enough to make you sleepy after.

Starbucks: Number #1 Wifi, some even have comfortable nooks for you to spend all day in, and coffee/tea on deck if you're in need of a quick caffeine boost to focus. It's great middle of the week spot because you can spread out and really see what you're working with. This is my go to if I can't find local coffee shop or bookstore and it's a good place to meet with clients.

Speaking of bookstores...


Barnes and Noble is my favorite indoor place on earth (besides my own house). There are endless resources available, comfy chairs, cafe, and personally I love the smell of books so it's a win-win there. 95% of life questions can be found in a book so this might be a good place to get started...

And as for coffee shops a quick google search does wonders. While I was in Savannah, I found The Gallery Espresso and I became a regular for the short time I was there.

But maybe books or coffee aren't your forte and you rather be surrounded by nature. Local parks, reserves, and lakes are a great place to let the creative vibes flow. And well, one of the great things about technology is that it can work in our favor. Most smartphones are equipped with Hotspot capabilities. Mines free and most are but even if it's not, it can be bought for less than a venti latte a month on many carrier plans turning a day at the beach into your mobile office, a day at the lake into your personal oasis, or bonding time with your pup into an outdoor meeting. The amazing possibilities are endless and the journey is yours to take when you are using the power of creativity to create your freedom...

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