I Ditched The Band! What does that mean? [Discount Inside]

Okay, so here’s the tea…

I’ve been using the Puff Cuff for a month and hype aside. My fro needed more. As we transition into this next quarter, Summer is out and fall weather is on its way (AKA the worst time for my hair).

To transition from vacation vibes to professional life, I went ahead and purchased The Original Puff Cuff. It was beyond easy to style and my fro fit snug for a full and sleek look. For a full review, click here. In the meantime, look out for updated style looks! And if you want one of your own, don’t forget to use Promo Code “Elaya” for 15% off!!


SIX MONTH UPDATE: (12/6/2019)

I’ve got good news and bad news… 😕

Bad News… I ordered 2 original puff cuffs and after 6 months both have retired themselves. My puff has just gotten too thick and no longer fit.

The Puff Cuff

Good News… I retained growth and thick edges using The Puff Cuff and it even got me through flight training. Although I’ve grown out of this product, I still would suggest it to any curly-haired beauty. I hope that they come out with a Large Puff Cuff soon and I will be right back at it.

Have you used The Puff Cuff? If so, let me know your experience in the comments below!