A Lesson on Letting Go and Making Room for Flow

109 Likes, 28 Comments - Elaya Walker (@elayawalker) on Instagram: "A reminder to myself to keep moving, follow my heart, and stop caring what anyone may think of me...."

I recently put this post on Instagram and although it looks like a #carefreequarantine it’s really a post uploaded out of trusting my gut and challenging my fear of letting “the world” see an authentic version of me.

Let me give a little perspective. At the end of last year, I decided to move out of Atlanta for job opportunities. During this time I was in another season of letting go. I didn’t know what my new “end game” was. All I knew is I need an environment where I could get back to being me, the Free-Spirited me. One where I was mentally sound instead of just chasing checks.

I let go of clients who were bringing me $$$$$ but were too much stress and was rewarded with the opportunity to travel for work. I let go of taking care of all of my “friends” (it’s the Virgo in me) and was gained with Tribe who pushed me to pursue what I wanted even though it would mean leaving them in the ATL. I let go of the notion that I had to be everything to the person I was in a relationship with and gained the freedom to move anywhere I wanted. I started letting go of possessions I had that I wasn’t using and was met with space to grow into.

Before my eyes, in a matter of weeks, I was receiving everything I had wanted. Don’t get me wrong, I worked my ass off and challenged myself in ways I couldn’t have even imagined (with the help of my therapist). Everything above was a piece of cake compared to letting go of the notion that strength is persevering through it all and accepting that just asking for help will get me farther faster. Trashing and giving away items is nothing compared to digging deep and challenging my relationship with money. And honestly, the real slap in the face was owning that I, Elaya Walker, the confident, matter-of-fact, earth child, preacher and teacher of “embrace who you are and the universe will embrace you” had lost her sense of self. Ya’ll…

I had become so obsessed with “maintaining” my status in “professional space“ and how others would perceive me that I had lost my way. For the past 2 years, I believed that “free” and “professional” lived in two separate worlds and they shouldn’t touch. Well, that post was me affirming to myself that true FREEDOM is sometimes letting your worlds collide and instead of imploding they come together in the most righteous harmony.

Stay Blessed. Be true. And above all FREE YOURSELF!!

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