100 Female Entrepreneurs Setting Records

If there's an opportunity to connect with other female entrepreneurs I'm there. To be honest I don't remember how I found out about this event but I'm glad I did. The longer I'm on this entrepreneurship journey, the more opportunities arise to be in fascinating places I've never been before.

100 Female Entrepreneurs - International Women Entrepreneur's Day

Before this event I don't think I've ever truly acknowledged International Women's Entrepreneurs Day with an event. I had the opportunity to meet and connect with so many #BossWomen doing grand and amazing things. Over 150 Boss Creators met together to set a Gett'y record for one of the largest gathering of women in business on the steps of the Georgia State Capitol. 100 Female Entrepreneurs celebrated International Women's Entrepreneurship Day hosted by Dr. Garner Scott, CEO of The Garner Circle and State Representative Dar’Shun Kendrick

That's me in the back with the big 'ole bun!

That's me in the back with the big 'ole bun!

100 Female Entrepreneurs is a business league for females in entrepreneurship offering a unique platform for women to share entrepreneurial resources and experiences while being connected to a global network of go-getters. Our mission is to educate, engage and empower female entrepreneurs in a carefully curated community both online and in a physical space. We connect mentors with mentees, provide educational tracks to ensure our members are continuously enhancing their business value, help members develop a higher level of purpose and provide actionable assets for advancing to the next level. All while making lifelong relationships along the way.

Their featured speakers included Tammi Reed, Bianca Rush and Dayira Jones, Carla Stephens, and Maja Sly. For more info please visit: 100femaleentrepreneurs.com Photo Cred: RobinLori