Posts tagged entrepreneurship
Thee Werk Place - Co-Working with Love, Light, and Good Vibes.

In this world of social media everything, it’s good to know that somebody has your back. I often tend to be this friend for businesses doing the right things for the right reasons until the stars align and we’re finally able to truly connect. Well, that how I found myself at Thee Werk Place’s Love You Lunch. For all the love that was given to them, they put together a free lunch to show how thankful they were for their supporters.

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Does the traditional office/work environment drive you crazy?

Me too. Something about sterile environment and bland cubicles just makes me shut down. My creative mind goes from it's colorful hues to a blank canvas and I end up staring out into space adding things to do my list but getting Nada done. Well, I know there are many of us creatives out there that have so much to share and give but we need the right environment to let our creativity flow.

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The importance of investing in your own website

So there's this ongoing debate on whether it's better to utilize social media or invest in a website for your business. I say invest because just like anything else you do with our business it's an investment. When you spend ANY money on your business or business education it's a tax write-off. I don't think we educate each other enough on the power of investment. It's a broad subject but let's just talk about web presence...

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