HOMECOMING: Beyonce did/does not do it alone - Where's your TEAM?


A recent post of Beyonce sitting with her Beychella team went viral and there has been a mix of backlash around how Bey gets everything accomplished.

Everyone has heard the saying "You have the same 24 hrs as Beyonce" but why aren't you getting as much done as the Queen? Bey doesn't do it alone. She has a team! When you look at anything she does, you are looking at careful strategic planning with each person executing in their expertise.

We all have the same 24 hours as the next person. The trick is to learn how to strategically maximize the time that you do have. How are you spending those idol time frames? Are you making the most of the commute? Are you waking up 2 hours before your normal wake up time so you can trick your day into thinking you have more hours? Do you know people that can take over tasks that you could be wasting time trying to perfect? (If you don't, you might want to check out our network.) What systems can we put in place to where you can get the most done? 

Beyonce outsources by connecting with people who are the best in their craft who are willing to take direction and then they grow and create magic TOGETHER. She doesn't make a move alone and she's able to move faster and farther and everyone reaps the benefit of her success, whether it be monetarily or with exposure. Don't sleep your success by only wanting for yourself. Find people who are just as passionate as you are and work with them. Collaborate for the higher cause of creating your freedom. Who’s on your TEAM?