5 Ways To Step Into Your Next Level of Success Today

If you’re feeling stuck, or plateaued, and don’t know what to do next, revisit the things you were previously scared or feel unprepared to do. Your growth spurts lie outside of your comfort zones. The things you skipped over in the past over lack of preparation or readiness are still open opportunities for you to conquer. You’re stronger, more capable, and wiser this time around. Put your elevated in New Self to the test.

1. Apply for a job that you'd be afraid to apply to - What's the worst that could happen? On one end, you may not get the job. No loss. Or... You get the job and now you have to challenge yourself to keep it. Enjoy what this opportunity may bring you.
2. Make a Career/Goals Map - Where do you want to go? What would you have to do to get there?
3. Connect with someone who is farther along the path you want to go down - You don't have to tell them your goals, but keep yourself around them. You never know what you may learn.
4. Do something that you know you're bad at. - Since your'e already bad at it, there's no pressure. It's okay to fail, you learn from losing. Note what you learned from that experience.
5. Strike up a conversation with a stranger. It could be someone on your local coffee shop, on the bus, or even in the DM's (Just be careful.) The best way to learn something new it to speak to someone new. You never know who that person knows or what that person could do or what you could do for them! [Hint: start with a compliment.]


The thing about embracing the Next Level is understanding that it's new territory but this is what you wanted, new opportunities to be disciplined and dedicated, balanced, and growth..... So get out there and grow! What ways are you getting to your next level?