Posts tagged motivation
Thee Werk Place - Co-Working with Love, Light, and Good Vibes.

In this world of social media everything, it’s good to know that somebody has your back. I often tend to be this friend for businesses doing the right things for the right reasons until the stars align and we’re finally able to truly connect. Well, that how I found myself at Thee Werk Place’s Love You Lunch. For all the love that was given to them, they put together a free lunch to show how thankful they were for their supporters.

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Does the traditional office/work environment drive you crazy?

Me too. Something about sterile environment and bland cubicles just makes me shut down. My creative mind goes from it's colorful hues to a blank canvas and I end up staring out into space adding things to do my list but getting Nada done. Well, I know there are many of us creatives out there that have so much to share and give but we need the right environment to let our creativity flow.

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How focused are you?

The school year has just begun and let's be honest you're already falling off base. How focused are you? The reason I ask is because I know how easy it is to go off on a random tangent And get carried away in the excitement of the new year. I'm sure you're signing up for every organization, catching back up with old friends, already Looking for the next party. And as important all these things are, don't forget to lose focus of why you're here….

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