How focused are you?

The school year has just begun and let's be honest you're already falling off base. How focused are you? The reason I ask is because I know how easy it is to go off on a random tangent And get carried away in the excitement of the new year. I'm sure you're signing up for every organization, catching back up with old friends, already Looking for the next party. And as important all these things are, don't forget to lose focus of why you're here….

The college thing isn't so hard if you know the tricks of the trade. One of them being just do at least one thing a day. So take a moment to write down the one thing you can do right now to make your grades better.

Is it to connect with your professor? They may have some helpful info on that assignment they gave you on the very first day. (Shooting them a quick email takes >5 mins and gets you brownie points with the person who controls the grade.)

Or perhaps put together a study group? It doesn't have to be for this week but if you schedule it will force you to study. (Hint: schedule it 1-2 days before the test. If you’re going to cram, cram together. Somewhere there may understand something you don’t and vice-versa.)

Or mix business with pleasure. Email the president of your organization about putting together a Bookshare event that way you can catch up over coffee and  how different this year is going to be.

Let's make today the day you focus on how you're going to kill this year!