3 Things I Learned From Doing A 72 Hr Water Fast

So I did a thing. Nothing monumental, but another new experience in the book nonetheless. To be honest I didn't have a real reason why I fasted but 36 hrs in I decided to make it a good challenge in discipline for me seeing as food is a huge weakness I have. (Some women buy shoes. I buy 3 main items on the menu, an appetizer for a snack, and if they have an interesting dessert… 🤷🏾 why not indulge?)

I've been wanting to do a fast for the past month-and-a-half and with someone else on Instagram doing a 36 hr fast it seemed I had a virtual accountability partner to try it out. I was going to wait until my book on fasting came in the mail but I figured that because at first, it was only a 36-hour fast (a day and a half) I would be sleeping most of that time and I was down. As the universe would have it though, just over 12 hrs in, I had a dental emergency that would turn it into a longer 72-hour fast. So here’s what I learned.

  1. I can be impatient.

    I’m the type of person that likes to finish the things she starts mostly uninterrupted but when you’ve drunk close to a gallon of water getting through a show without hitting pause a few times becomes difficult. I found myself getting frustrated but then I realized that pregnant mothers must deal with this on the regular (or most people with kids for that matter). One day I want to be one of those people and I want to be able to be patient with myself and with my children.

    Moral: Taking a moment is not the end of the world. Breathe. Do what you gotta do. Whatever it is will be there when you get back or it wasn’t meant for you.

  2. I‘m grateful that I have access to food (nourishing food at that).

    I really didn’t have hunger pains until I smelled someone else’s food about 17 hrs in and thought about cooking and it wasn’t until the end of day two that I really started to have cravings. I started to plan what I would eat when it was over. My cravings wanted fresh pizza and a bag of mixed nuts even though I had plenty of fruit ripening on the counter and fresh veggies in my fridge. It dawned on me that this would come to an end for me and when it did I had options, yet there are people in the world going through this pandemic on water alone or on scraps or with only access to fast/greasy food.

    Moral: Never take for granted what you have. In this pandemic, you are shown more than ever that you are blessed to have all the things that you overlook on the day-to-day, whether it be food, shelter, a bed, or your health.

  3. Don’t go grocery shopping while fasting.

    After my dentist appointment, I was already out and decided to grab a few things. I’m about 63 hrs in, less than 12 hours to go. I got into the store and was met with the produce section, and ya’ll… I broke my fast over some grapes… 😂 They were firm and sweet. I devoured a whole branch! I had overcome the temptation of snacks and meals at home just to give in at the store. 🤷🏾 Welp. I had a good run for my first fast ever.

    Moral: If you’re going to break your fast, put something worthy of the sacrifice into your system and give yourself grace. Tomorrow’s another day to try again.

When I returned home what was in the mail was confirmation that everything happens in perfect timing. It’s an easy read and I’m so grateful that it came with my waistbeads blessed by Jasai Madden herself. (Shameless plug: Get yours at Alaiyo.net) If you’re thinking of fasting yourself, my advice is to give it a chance, pace yourself, and do your research.

The New FastGirls: Fasting: An Ancient Practice For the Modern Girl” by Jasai Madden
