Pushing The Narrative Forward Through Community

I think we can all agree that 2020 as a whole shook things up for us, to say the least. I feel that the space we are currently in is the calm AFTER the storm and I just want all of us to take note that we made it through the storm that was 2020 and we did it together. 


As much as the media wanted to portray one thing about our country and how it’s all going, we, as a community, did what we needed to do to get out alive and I am personally so grateful for that. I believe that was the push and kick in the butt that we needed to really see that sometimes it’s just about coming home and returning to your people, and doing what’s right for you and your immediate family. With this, you get to see how that immediate world affects everyone because we all have our own situations that we are trying to take care of and we are also trying to protect our children, our parents, and other loved ones. It becomes less of who’s doing what better and the focus becomes how we can serve our community better.

When we hit survival mode last year, we huddled in and it was different to us, it’s unfortunate that it took such an uncomfortable place to get us to where we needed to be but we worked together towards common goals and we didn’t just talk about it, we put it into action; we made change happen that would turn out to affect our communities in a good way. We made the world a little better for us and I don’t want this to go overlooked and it shouldn’t be taken lightly that we made this change and we did it together. 


We now have our first woman vice president, our first Asian American woman VP, and our first African American woman VP. And with this, we have someone who understands us better than what has been present in the past. Someone who understands our community better and while we know no one is perfect and no community is perfect we have to continue to try. We have to continue to put forth that effort to improve ourselves and make it better for ourselves instead of resulting to “ It’s not perfect, it’s not what we want it to be”. We should put that energy towards pushing forward and I am so happy, honored, and blessed to be able to witness it in real-time. It does take a lot of weight and pressure but this past year put us into a really uncomfortable place that forced us inward. 

Our world isn’t going to look perfect immediately but we have to continue to make strides and we’re doing just that. We deal with the heaviness of it all by coming back home and going within ourselves and within our community and I have faith that with our momentum and drive we will leave something lasting on our communities. We are doing better, we have no choice, the universe didn’t give us any choice but to improve and love on ourselves and our communities.